
  Tuesday ~June 14, 2011~ Session #1

Partners First Names: Jose, Brianna, Nathan, Anna
Time: 9:20-11:20
Number of minutes read: 60min
What you read: The Dragon Prince by Laurence Yepp
How did the session go for you and your students?
   This session was pretty experiencing.  I had a great time getting to know my partners and I hope they had a good time with me as well.  I hope that other sessions will be as fun and exciting as this day was.  I feel this session went pretty well for the first time. Today was the beginning of new friendships.  It was hard to cope with one of my buddies but I hope next time I will be able to break through and get him to start talking to me and Steph more.  today was good progress and i hope that the next time we meet they will have a good time with their reading buddy.

   Thursday ~June 16, 2011~ Session #2

Partners First Names: Kimberly, Brianna, Nathan, Anna
Time: 9:30-11:20
Number of minutes read: 60min
What you read: The Lotus Seed by Sherry Garland
How did the session go for you and your students?
   The second session wasn't bad.  It wasn't the best either i guess it was pretty balanced.  I was tired today to I tried my best to keep the kids entertained.  I was a difficult task to play because being tired and having to read early in the morning to kids is not a good mix. Over all we still made the best out of it and i am glad that i got to spend time with my buddies. On of the most interesting part of today was that my Reading buddy is related to one of my best friends. So that broght some sunlight to my day as well.

   Tuseday ~June 21, 2011~ Session #3

Partners First Names: (came Late missed first 2), Nathan, Anna
Time: 10:50-11:20
Number of minutes read: 30min
What you read: No Dinner: The story of the Old woman and the pumpkin by Jessica Souhami
How did the session go for you and your students?
  The session today was really good.  Although I was late I missed out on my first two reading buddies.  After my third reading buddy we got to talk some more even though he does not talk as much. My fourth reading buddy is always fun to be around so we had a great session as always.  The session could have went better if only I wasn't late and we got stuck with a boring book.  All because of miss communication and being Tardy

   Thursday ~June 23, 2011~ Session #4

Partners First Names: Kimberly, (none), Nathan, Brianna
Time: 9:20-11:20
Number of minutes read: 60min
What you read: The Golden Sandal: A middle eastern Cinderella Story by Rebecca Kickhox 
How did the session go for you and your students?
   Thie last session was the hardest.  I was sad to say goodbye to my little buddies and to wish them a good life.  I was glad that I had the oppertunity to be in this Project, and to be apart of destination college kids.  It was a learning experience and I hope I made an impact in their lives one way or another. We read our final book and finished off my talking about the lesson.  It was a nice experience to be involved in and I now have little friendships of 6th graders.

                                     Project Read Aloud


1. What was the age and relationship of your reading partner to you? What did you read to them? Describe the typical meeting: Where did you read, when, how long?
     The average age of my reading buddies was 12 years old.  I am 18 years old and so the different wasn’t too bad.  I love kids and so I was glad to have them apart of my classroom time.  The books that I chose for my students were picture books.  This experience was hard. Especially when picking a book because I didn’t know what would be the best pick?  Kids are easily side tracked so when I went to get a book I tried my best to find something interesting with colorful pictures.  When the kids arrived we would sit and talk for a while and then we would read the book switching on and off with different pages. After that we then would discuss what the books main idea was about.  After examining the lesson we then talked about how the story would relate to other things.  When we read we would find comfortable chairs next to the big windows.  It all depended on the book to determine how long our reading sessions would last.

2. How did your relationship change as you went along? What did you learn about that person that you didn't already know? Has your Partner’s attitude toward reading changed?
     My relationship with my partner changed drastically because we aloud each other to open up and talk about what we needed to.  I was glad to say that I got many things done with my partner and our relationships grew stronger and stronger the longer we were together.  I learned a lot about all my different reading buddies.  I learned that one of them, Nathan, use to live in Glendale. I learned that my other buddy, Anna, was a cousin to one of my closest friends in high school.  I was glad to see that I had a great relationship with the destination college kids and I hope that they had a great time as well.  My partners attitude did not seem to shift gears as much.  They were interested in only a couple books but it was hard to get them to have a desire to read.

3. What did you learn about yourself that you didn't already know? How has your attitude changed toward reading, especially reading aloud?
       I learned that I am actually a kid at heart.  I tend to make myself in a kids position when I read.  If there is a book that is not interesting I act like a little kid and throw my heart to read out.  Growing up I tend to like picture books but now in college I understand that I cannot let that go. It’s hard to read long pages for me. So when I was reading I figured out that I still am a kid at hear because I like color pages instead of words.  Reading out loud was never a problem for me. I like reading, especially in another accent.  Reading out loud is fun, but reading to your self is hard to cope with.

4. What was the best thing you experienced about this Read Aloud Project?
     One of the best things that I experienced in this Project read aloud was when I had the chance to read to the destination college kids.  I enjoyed my time with them and reading.  It showed me the responsibility of having things in order and how to be in a teacher’s position.  It was a fun time with the students and I hope one day they will always remember me and all that we did together.

5. What surprised you about this project?
     The main thing that surprised me during this project was understanding the difficulty of gathering materials and creating a lesson plan.  When I found out we were working with children it also surprised me and created a sort of happiness inside. I found that I used different teaching abilities from different teachers I have seen throughout my years at school.  I was surprised on how I liked to read to kids and make it more exciting for them when I had the energy to.  This project did bring so great surprises but I am glad I did so that I can understand the meaning behind this project.

6. Explain why you will or will not read aloud again.
     I will read aloud again because I liked how the kids acted when I read different tones of voices.  I encouraged them to as well and they did a great job even though they thought that they sounded funny.  Reading out loud was fun and I’m glad that we got to express the readers attitude during our reading sessions.
